package xm::pfe::wordset2words;
use strict;
use xm::o;

sub DESC
  this script is derived from wordset2index 
  - but instead of generating one xml-page per wordset, there is now
  one page per export-entry. However the filenames are along the 
  lines of the wordset, and therefore the grab/index process is
  widely identical. We just need another step in the middle to
  cut out the export-entries. resolve/spitout are very similar
  after that. Therefore just like wordset2index, we will...
  get a list of wordsets, walk the text of each wordsetfile, 
  create an internal database of all XREFWORDREF and of course
  the defintion, make the xrefs filenamelike to get them spit out
  a bit later. When the xrefwordref-database is complete, walk 
  the texts and attach to <XREF>-data the appropriate href to have
  an exact cross-reference in html' url-encoding.

sub DO
    my $in = shift;
    my $out = "";
    my $wordset;
    my $word_id;
    my $key;
    my @keys;
    my $i;
    my $w;
    my $word;
    my $index = "index-words";
    $index = $o{"index-words"} if exists $o{"index-words"};
    print STDERR "<$index> ";

    # stage 1 : grab the wordsets

    my $getNAMEWORDSET = sub {
	if ($_[0] =~ m{ <NAMEWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?> 
				</NAMEWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?> }sx)
	{ return $1; }
	else { return ""; }

    my $getCSTRWORDCNT = sub {
	if ($_[0] =~ m{ <CSTRWORDCNT(?:\s[^<>]*)?> 
				</CSTRWORDCNT(?:\s[^<>]*)?> }sx)
	{ return $1; }
	else { return ""; }

    my $getXREFWORDREF = sub {
	if ($_[0] =~ m{ <XREFWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?> 
				</XREFWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?> }sx)
	{ return $1; }
	else { return ""; }

    my $useXDEFSTACK = sub {
	if ($_[0] =~ m{ (<XDEFSTACK(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) 
				(</XDEFSTACK(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }sx)
	{ return $1.$2.$3; }
	else { return ""; }

    $in =~ s{ (<ITEMWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)  
		  ((?:.(?!</?ITEMWORDSET[\s>]))*.) (</ITEMWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)
	$out = $1.$2.$3; 
	$key = &$getNAMEWORDSET($out); # print STDERR "<!$key>";
	if (length $key)
	    push @keys, $key;
	    $$wordset{$key}{text} = $out;
	    $$wordset{$key}{desc} = &$getCSTRWORDCNT($out);

    # stage 2 : grab XREFWORDREFs, enumerate and a-name them.

    for $key (@keys)
	$i = 1;
	$$wordset{$key}{text} =~
	    s{ (<XREFWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)  
		   ((?:.(?!</?XREFWORDREF[\s>]))*.) (</XREFWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)
	    $$wordset{$key}{name}{$2} = "w-$key-0$i.html";
	$$wordset{$key}{refs} = $i - 1;
	# print STDERR "<$key:$i>";
    # stage 3 : build a table of XREFWORDREFs across all wordsets

    for $key (@keys)
	for $i (keys %{$$wordset{$key}{name}})
	    if (not exists $$word_id{$i})
		$$word_id{$i} = $$wordset{$key}{name}{$i};

    # stage 4 : resolve XREFs, prefer wordset neighbours, then globals.

    for $key (@keys)
	$$wordset{$key}{text} =~
	    s{ (<XREF)(\s[^<>]*)?>  
		   ((?:.(?!</?XREF[\s>]))*.) (</XREF)(\s[^<>]*)?>
	    if (exists $$wordset{$key}{name}{$3})
		$out = $1." href=\"".$$wordset{$key}{name}{$3}."\"".$2.">"
		    .$3.$4." href".$5.">";
	    } elsif (exists $$word_id{$3})
		$out = $1." href=\"".$$word_id{$3}."\"".$2.">"
		    .$3.$4." href".$5.">";
	    { # it may or not be a good solution to href nonresolvables.
		$out = $1." href=\"$index.html\"".$2.">"
		    .$3.$4." href".$5.">";

    # stage 5 : gripe for itemwordef, and put it under its filename.

    for $key (@keys)
	$$wordset{$key}{text} =~
	    s{ (<ITEMWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)  
	    $out = $1.$2.$3;
	    $i = &$getXREFWORDREF($out);
	    if (length $i and exists $$wordset{$key}{name}{$i})
		$$word{$key}{$i}{file} = $$wordset{$key}{name}{$i};
		$$word{$key}{$i}{text} = $out;

    # stage 6 : create the words html-xml's and $index.xml
    $i = 1;
    $out = ""; # the return of this sub is the index-list.
    my $idx; # a hash (!!) for the index-file
    my $F; 
    for $key (@keys)
	for $w (keys %{$$word{$key}})
	    $F = $$word{$key}{$w}{file};
	    $$idx{"$w<$i>"} .= "<ITEMWORDENTRY>\n"
		."<XREFWORDREF href=\"$F\">".$w."</XREFWORDREF href>\n"
	    $F =~ s/.html$/.xml/;
	    open F,">$F" or next;
	    print F "<title>",$w,"</title>\n";
	    print F $$word{$key}{$w}{text};
	    close F;
	    $out .= $F."\n";

    $F = "$index.xml";
    if (open F,">$F")
	for $w (sort keys %$idx)
	    print F $$idx{$w};
	close F;
	$out .= $F."\n";

    print STDERR "</$index>\n";
    return $out;

sub ARGS { return    xm::o::args_stdin(@_,DESC); }
sub main { return DO(xm::o::args_stdin(@_,DESC)); }
