package xm::pfe::flattenwordrefs;
use strict;
use xm::o;
use xm::sub;
use xm::pfe::cutfcodedocs;
look for a wordset-table, kill the C-syntax around it, and
flatten the information. That is, prepend the latest _INTO-spec
onto a word-export to from the XREF we can later dbjoin, and
add another id for the wordset. The whole thing shall look a
bit more like text than C after it is run through.
return "ordinary primitive" if $_[0] eq "P4_FXCO" or $_[0] eq "P4_FXco"
or "CO" eq $_[0];
return "immediate primitive" if $_[0] eq "P4_IXCO" or $_[0] eq "P4_IXco"
or "CI" eq $_[0];
return "compiling primitive" if $_[0] eq "P4_SXCO" or $_[0] eq "P4_SXco"
or "CS" eq $_[0];
return "constructor primitive" if $_[0] eq "P4_XXCO" or $_[0] eq "P4_XXco"
or "CX" eq $_[0];
return "defining primitive" if $_[0] eq "P4_RTCO" or $_[0] eq "P4_RTco";
return "ordinary variable" if $_[0] eq "P4_OVAR" or $_[0] eq "P4_OVaR"
or "OV" eq $_[0];
return "immediate variable" if $_[0] eq "P4_IVAR" or $_[0] eq "P4_IVaR"
or "IV" eq $_[0];
return "ordinary valuevar" if $_[0] eq "P4_OVAL" or $_[0] eq "P4_OVaL"
or "OL" eq $_[0];
return "immediate valuevar" if $_[0] eq "P4_IVAL" or $_[0] eq "P4_IVaL"
or "IL" eq $_[0];
return "ordinary constant" if $_[0] eq "P4_OCON" or $_[0] eq "P4_OCoN"
or "OC" eq $_[0];
return "immediate constant" if $_[0] eq "P4_ICON" or $_[0] eq "P4_ICoN"
or "IC" eq $_[0];
return "threadstate variable" if $_[0] eq "P4_DVAR" or $_[0] eq "P4_DVaR"
or "DV" eq $_[0];
return "threadstate valueGET" if $_[0] eq "P4_DCON" or $_[0] eq "P4_DCoN"
or "DC" eq $_[0];
return "threadstate valueSET" if $_[0] eq "P4_DSET" or $_[0] eq "P4_DSeT";
return "forthword synonym" if $_[0] eq "P4_FNYM";
return "immediate synonym" if $_[0] eq "P4_SNYM";
return "obsolete forthword" if $_[0] eq "P4_xOLD";
return "obsolete immediate" if $_[0] eq "P4_iOLD";
return "exception declared" if $_[0] eq "P4_EXPT";
return "ordinary offsetval" if $_[0] eq "P4_OFFS" or $_[0] eq "P4_OFFs";
return "ordinary vocabulary" if $_[0] eq "P4_OVOC";
return "immediate vocabulary" if $_[0] eq "P4_IVOC";
return "loading slot id" if $_[0] eq "P4_SLOT";
return "loading slot size" if $_[0] eq "P4_SSIZ";
return "loading into" if $_[0] eq "P4_INTO";
return "loading wordset" if $_[0] eq "P4_LOAD";
return "loader code $_[0]";
my ($in0,$in,$in2,$name,$intoref) = @_;
my $typewordref = ""; my $typeword = "";
$in =~ s{ (<TYPEWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</TYPEWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</TYPEWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $typewordref .= $1.$2.$3; $typeword = $2; "<:>" }gsex;
my $cstrwordref = ""; my $cstrword = "";
$in =~ s{ (<CSTRWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</CSTRWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</CSTRWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $cstrwordref .= $1.$2.$3; $cstrword = $2; "" }gsex;
my $linkwordref = ""; my $linkword = "";
$in =~ s{ (<LINKWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</LINKWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</LINKWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $linkwordref .= $1.$2.$3; $linkword = $2; "" }gsex;
my $attrwordref = "";
$in =~ s{ ^ ((?:.(?!<:>))*.) <:> }
{ $attrwordref .= $1; "" }gsex;
my $refword = xm::sub::off3(xm::sub::C(xm::sub::on3($cstrword)));
my $into = $$intoref;
$into = "FORTH/DEF" if $$intoref eq "";
$into = "" if $into =~ /\bFORTH\//;
$into = "" if $into =~ /\bEXTENSIONS/; $into .= " " if length $into;
my $wordlist = $$intoref;
$wordlist = "FORTH/DEF" if not length $$intoref;
$typeword = coded($typeword);
my $spc = " ";
my $out = $in0.$attrwordref
return $out if (length $typeword == 2);
if ($typeword =~ /loading into/)
$$intoref = $refword; $$intoref = "FORTH/ANS" if $refword eq "[ANS]";
$$intoref = "FORTH/BASE" if $refword eq "[FTH]";
$$intoref = "FORTH/BASE" if $refword eq "FORTH";
$$intoref = "FORTH/".$refword if length $linkword > 4;
$in0 =~ s{(<) \w+} {$1."CDOCWORDREF"}sex;
$in2 =~ s{(</)\w+} {$1."CDOCWORDREF"}sex;
return $in0."<INTOWORDSET>".$refword."<INTOWORDSET>".$in2;
return $out;
my ($in,$name) = @_;
$in =~ s{ <CDOC(\s[^<>]*)?> ((?:.(?!</CDOC[\s>]))*.)
</CDOC(\s[^<>]*)?> }
{ "<CDOCWORDREF".$1.">".xm::pfe::cutfcodedocs::format($2)
."</CDOCWORDREF".$3.">" }gsex;
my $into = "";
$in =~ s{ (<ITEMWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</ITEMWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</ITEMWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ per_ITEMWORDREF($1,$2,$3,$name,\$into) }gsex;
print STDERR $name," ";
return $in;
my $in = shift;
my $out = "";
my $cdocwordset = "";
$in =~ s{ (<CDOCWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)
(</CDOCWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $cdocwordset .= $1.$2.$3; "" }gsex;
my $namewordset = ""; my $wordset;
$in =~ s{ (<NAMEWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</NAMEWORDSET[\s>]))*.)
(</NAMEWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $namewordset .= $1.$2.$3; $wordset = $2; "" }gsex;
my $cstrwordcnt = "";
$in =~ s{ <(CSTRWORDCNT)(\s[^<>]*)?(?=>) ((?:.(?!</CSTRWORDCNT[\s>]))*.)
</CSTRWORDCNT(\s[^<>]*)?> }
{ $cstrwordcnt .= "<TITLEWORDSET".$2.$3."</TITLEWORDSET".$4.">"; "" }gsex;
$in =~ s{ (<LISTWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</LISTWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</LISTWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $out .= $cstrwordcnt.$namewordset.$cdocwordset
.$1.per_LISTWORDREF($2,$wordset).$3; "" }gsex;
return $out;
my $in = shift;
my $out = "";
my $comment;
print STDERR "<wordsets> ";
$in =~ s{ (<ITEMWORDSET(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)
{ $1.per_ITEMWORDSET($2).$3 }gsex;
print STDERR "</wordsets>\n";
return $in;
return xm::o::args_stdin(@_,DESC); }
return DO(xm::o::args_stdin(@_,DESC)); }