package xm::pfe::expandxrefwordrefsfcode;
use strict;
use xm::o;
use xm::sub;
get all ITEMFCODEs, make a database with the key to the contained
<FORTHHEADER>..<XDEF>key</XDEF>. Then get to the remainings
being a flattened wordset-table and expand XREFWORDREF with
the ITEMFCODE. That's it.
see xm::pfe::fcodesortnspill and xm::pfe::flattenwordrefs
my ($ann,$in,$end,$definfo) = @_;
my $xrefwordref = ""; my $xrefword = "";
$in =~ s{ (<XREFWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</XREFWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</XREFWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $xrefwordref .= $1.$2.$3; $xrefword = $2; $1.$2.$3 }gsex;
my $typewordref = ""; my $typeword = "";
$in =~ s{ (<TYPEWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</TYPEWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</TYPEWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $typewordref .= $1.$2.$3; $typeword = $2; $1.$2.$3 }gsex;
my $cstrwordref = ""; my $cstrword = "";
$in =~ s{ (<CSTRWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</CSTRWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</CSTRWORDREF?(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $cstrwordref .= $1.$2.$3; $cstrword = $2; $1.$2.$3 }gsex;
my $linkwordref = ""; my $linkword = "";
$in =~ s{ (<LINKWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</LINKWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</LINKWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $linkwordref .= $1.$2.$3; $linkword= $2; $1.$2.$3 }gsex;
my $typewordcoded = ""; my $typecoded = "";
$in =~ s{ (<TYPEWORDCODED(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</TYPEWORDCODED[\s>]))*.)
(</TYPEWORDCODED(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
{ $typewordcoded .= $1.$2.$3; $typecoded = $2; $1.$2.$3 }gsex;
if ($typecoded =~ /synonym/)
my $word = $linkword;
$word =~ s{<[^<>]*>}{}g;
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word is a ".$typecoded." of <XREF>".$word."</XREF>.";
}elsif ($typecoded =~ /obsolete/)
my $word = $linkword;
$word =~ s{<[^<>]*>}{}g;
my $deff = $cstrwordref;
$deff =~ s{<[^<>]*>}{}g;
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word is a ".$typecoded.". "
."\n<br> please use the new word <XREF>".$word."</XREF>."
."\n<br> the obsolete word <XREF>".$deff."</XREF> will be removed"
." in the next generation.";
}elsif ($typecoded =~ /exception/)
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word maps the exception string to a specific internal "
."\n predefined number, it is not visible on the forth "
."\n commandline in the terminal. When an exception uses the "
."\n value of <code>".$linkword."</code> it will be shown to "
."\n the user as ".$cstrword.".";
}elsif ($typecoded =~ /offsetval/)
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word specifies an offset helper word. "
."\n the most common use of such words includes "
."\n an address and this word will add the offset "
."\n to get to a specific substructure. This ".$typecoded
."\n was defined through <code>".$linkword."</code> .";
}elsif ($typecoded =~ /threadstate/)
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word allows access to a forth internal value"
."\n which is not part of the forth dictionary but of"
."\n the threading state. Here it is a ".$typecoded
."\n which allows access to <code>TH->".$linkword."</code>.";
}elsif ($typecoded =~ /constant/)
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word is a ".$typecoded." that expands to "
."\n <code>".$linkword."</code>.";
}elsif ($typecoded =~ /variable|valuevar/)
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word is a ".$typecoded." of forth.";
}elsif ($typecoded =~ /primitive/)
my $word = $linkword;
$word =~ s{<[^<>]*>}{}g;
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word is a ".$typecoded." calling the internal C-routine "
."<XREF>".$word."</XREF>_ (within the forth machine).";
}elsif (length $typecoded > 5)
$$definfo{$xrefword} =
"[] this word is a ".$typecoded." used to compile into"
."\n the dictionary ".$linkword;
return $ann.$in.$end;
my $in = shift;
if ($in =~ m{ <FORTHHEADER>
{ return $2; }
return "";
my $in = shift;
my $xdef;
my $item; my $out;
$in =~ s{ (<ITEMFCODE(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)
((?:.(?!</?ITEMFCODE[\s>]))*.) (</ITEMFCODE(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)
$out = $1.$2.$3;
$xdef = getxdef ($2);
if (length $xdef)
$out =~ s{ <XDEF> ((?:.(?!</?XDEF[\s>]))*.) </XDEF> }
{ "<XREFWORDREF>".$1."</XREFWORDREF>" }gsex;
$$item{$xdef} = $out;
my %definfo;
$in =~ s{ (<ITEMWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) ((?:.(?!</ITEMWORDREF[\s>]))*.)
(</ITEMWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
per_ITEMWORDREF ($1,$2,$3,\%definfo);
$in =~ s{ (<XREFWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>)
(</XREFWORDREF(?:\s[^<>]*)?>) }
my ($ann,$body,$end) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
my $tail = $body; $tail =~ s/.*\s//;
exists $$item{$body} ? $$item{$body}
: exists $$item{$tail} ? $$item{$tail}
: exists $definfo{$body}
? $ann.$body.$end
: $ann.$body.$end
."<XREFWORDREFINFO> [] no special info,"
." see general notes </XREFWORDREFINFO>"
return $in;
return xm::o::args_stdin(@_,DESC); }
return DO(xm::o::args_stdin(@_,DESC)); }