package xm::mread;
use strict;
use xm::o;

sub DESC
  take a normal text file that is structured like a mime header,
  ie. a new section is started with the name of the section
  starting in column one and streching to a colon. Following
  lines are read until the next mime-section is encountered.

  This one converts it into xml'ish, which would be 
  almost like calling on the complete source text.
  ( replaces  the special-chars [\&<>\"] with their entity-refs). 
  The xm-tags will just get the section name, ie.
        |Subject: Hello
        |Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
        |  boundary=\"---somerandomnumber\"
  is converted to
        |<Subject> Hello
        |<Content-Type> multipart/alternative;
        |  boundary=&quot;---somerandomnumber&quot;

  see xm::pp for possibilites for further processing with xm'ish
  tools. You can use xm::sub::un_quote or xm::sub::on on the 
  enclosed portin to scan it more traditionally.

sub DO 
    my ($in,$before) = @_;
    $before = "FILEHEADER" if not length $before;

    # xm::sub::off
    $in =~ s{\&} {\&amp;}gs;
    $in =~ s{\<} {\&lt;}gs;
    $in =~ s{\>} {\&gt;}gs;
    $in =~ s{\"} {\&quot;}gs;

    # convert section marks to xm markups
    # a section must have atleast start with a \w-char and must end with one
    # that is, it must have atleast one \w-char
    $in =~ s{(^)(\w[\w\-\.\/]*\b)(:)} {$1<$2>}gm; # mark start of section
    $in =~ s{(^)<(\w[^<>]*)>([^<>]*)} {"$1<$2>$3</$2>\n"}gme; # end section
    if ($in !~ /^</s)
       $in =~ s{(^)([^<>]*)} {
	   my $o = $1;
	   $o = "$1<$before>$2</$before>\n" if length $o > 1;
       }se; # prequel
    return $in;

sub ARGS { return    xm::o::args_stdin(@_,DESC); }
sub main { return DO(xm::o::args_stdin(@_,DESC)); }
