package xm::css::mkhtml4;
use strict;
use xm::o;
use xm::css::sheet;
use xm::css::find;
use xm::xhtml;
the primary output stream is converted to html4-style, that is
we provide a header and footer and may include a css-stylesheet,
that can be given as -css=file. If the input contains xm-format
markups in all-uppercase, they are always converted to font-classes
whose outline can be given in the css-stylesheet.
note: with the uppercase-notion, this perlcode does not need to have
any special knowledge about the html-outline of the markups in use.
special extension:
if the .css contains declarations of the form
pre.FORMAT { ... background-color: ... }
then a <pre>-section is generated instead of a <span>-section and
the <pre>-section is surrounded by a 100\%-table with background
given in the pre... (netscape4 does loose with nested-<pre>s when
somewhere there was a <td>s with a class).
local $_ = shift;
my $css = shift;
my $used = shift; $used = { } if not defined $used;
my $xhtml = "xhtmldef"; $xhtml = "xhtmlbasic" if exists $o{xhtmlbasic};
print STDERR "<!xhtml missing ", scalar %{$xm{"xhtml"}{$xhtml}}," !>"
if not exists $xm{xhtml}{$xhtml}{pre};
s{ ((<\w+=[^<>]*>)+) } { my $v = $1; $v =~ s/<>/ /; $v }gsex;
s{ ((</\w+=[^<>]*>)+) } { my $v = $1; $v =~ s/<>/ /; $v }gsex;
s{ <(\w[\w.:-]*)><(\w+=[^<>]*)> } { "<$1 $2>" }gsex;
s{ <(\w[\w.:-]*)/><(\w+=[^<>]*)> } { "<$1 $2/>" }gsex;
s{ </(\w+=[^<>]*)><(/\w[\w.:-]*)> } { "<$2 $1>" }gsex;
# any attribute left alone?
s{ </?(\w+=[^<>]*)> } { "<!-- $1 -->" }gsex;
# last the spans...
my ($a,$k,$r,$m);
s{ <(\w[\w.:-]*)([^<>]*)> }
$k = $1;
$a = $2;
if (exists $xm{xhtml}{$xhtml}{$k})
$r = "<".$k.$a.">"; # leave xhtml tags as they are
$r =~ s/>$/ \/>/ if $xm{xhtml}{$xhtml}{$k} == 1 and $a !~ /\/$/;
$$used{"/$k"} = 1;
$$used{$k} = 1;
$m = "span";
if (exists $$css{$k} and exists $$css{$k}{_markup}
and $$css{$k}{_markup} !~ /^\s*$/)
{ $m = $$css{$k}{_markup}; $m =~ s{\.}{><}gs; }
$r = "<".$m." class=\"$k\"".$a.">";
if (exists $$css{$k})
my $class = " class=\"$k\"";
if ($r =~ /<(table|tr|td)\b/)
$class .= " width=\"".$$css{$k}{"width"}."\""
if exists $$css{$k}{"width"};
$class .= " bgcolor=\"".$$css{$k}{"background-color"}."\""
if exists $$css{$k}{"background-color"};
$class .= " cellspacing=\""
if exists $$css{$k}{"border-spacing"};
if (exists $$css{$k}{set})
$class .= " ".$$css{$k}{set};
$r = "<".$m.$class.$a.">";
if (exists $$css{$k}{xm})
if ($$css{$k}{xm} eq "table")
$r = "<table";
if (exists $$css{$k}{"width"})
$r .= " width=\"".$$css{$k}{"width"}."\"";
$r .= " width=\"100%\"";
$r .= " bgcolor=\"".$$css{$k}{"background-color"}."\""
if exists $$css{$k}{"background-color"};
$r .= " cellspacing=\""
if exists $$css{$k}{"border-spacing"};
$r .= "><tr><td><$m class=\"$k\"".$a.">";
elsif ($$css{$k}{xm} eq "into")
$r = "<".$m.$class.$a.">";
elsif ($$css{$k}{xm} eq "hidden")
$r .= "<!-- ";
elsif ($$css{$k}{xm} eq "span")
$r = "<".$m.$class.">"
."<".$$css{$k}{xm}." class=\"$k\"".$a.">";
if (length $$css{$k}{_markup})
$r = "<".$m.$class.">"
."<".$$css{$k}{xm}." ".$a.">";
$r = "<".$m.$class.">"
."<".$$css{$k}{xm}." class=\"$k\"".$a.">";
} if (exists $$css{$k}{bef}) {
if ($$css{$k}{bef} eq "\n") { $r .= "\n"; }
else { $r = $$css{$k}{bef}.$r; }
if (exists $$css{$k}{add}) {
if ($$css{$k}{add} eq "\n") { $r .= "\n"; }
else { $r .= $$css{$k}{add}; }
$m = "";
if ($k ne "a")
while ($a =~ /\sid=(\w+|\"[^\"]*\")/sg)
{ $m .= "<a name=$1 />" };
while ($a =~ /\shref=(\w+|\"[^\"]*\")/sg)
{ $r .= "<a href=$1 />" }; }
s{ </(\w[\w.:-]*)([^<>]*)> }
$k = $1;
$a = $2;
if (exists $xm{xhtml}{$xhtml}{$k})
$r = "</".$k.">"; $$used{"/$k"} = 1;
$$used{$k} = 1;
$m = "span";
if (exists $$css{$k} and length $$css{$k}{_markup}
and $$css{$k}{_markup} !~ /^\s*$/)
$r = $$css{$k}{_markup} .".";
$m = "";
$r =~ s{ ([\w+\-]+)\. }{ $m = $1.".".$m; "" }gsex;
$m =~ s{ \.$ } {""}sex; $m =~ s{ \. }{"></"}gsex;
$r = "</".$m.$a.">";
if (exists $$css{$k})
if (exists $$css{$k}{xm})
if ($$css{$k}{xm} eq "table")
$r = "</".$m.$a."></td></tr></table>";
elsif ($$css{$k}{xm} eq "into")
$r = "</".$m.$a.">";
elsif ($$css{$k}{xm} eq "hidden")
$r = " -->".$r;
$r = "</".$$css{$k}{xm}.$a."></".$m.">";
if (exists $$css{$k}{aft}) {
if ($$css{$k}{aft} eq "\n") { $r .= "\n"; }
else { $r .= $$css{$k}{aft}; }
if (exists $$css{$k}{end}) {
if ($$css{$k}{end} eq "\n") { $r .= "\n"; }
else { $r = $$css{$k}{end}.$r; }
while ($a =~ /\shref\b/sg) { $r = "<a href />".$r; }
s{<a href=([^<>]*) />((?:.(?!<a href\b))*.)<a href />} {<a href=$1 >$2</a>}gs;
s{<a href=([^<>]*) />} {<a hrefOFF=$1 />}gs;
s{<a href />} {}gs;
return $_;
my $files = shift;
$main::package = $0 if not defined $main::package;
$o{css} = $main::package if not exists $o{css};
my $F;
for $F (@$files)
my $css = { };
my $txt;
my $used = {
"/body" => 1,
"/a:link" => 1,
"/a:visited" => 1,
"/a:active" => 1
$css = xm::css::find::fileandload($F,$o{css});
die "no css found" if (!defined $css);
if (open F,"<$F")
$txt = join("",<F>);
close F;
$F =~ s/\.$o{ext}// if exists $o{ext};
$F .= ".html";
$txt = xm::css::mkhtml4::body($txt,$css,$used);
while ($txt =~ m{ \< (\/\w\w+) \> }gsx)
{ $$used{$1} = 1; }
while ($txt =~ m{ \<[^<>]* \s class=(\w+) (\>|\s[^<>]*\>) }gsx)
{ $$used{$1} = 1; }
while ($txt =~ m{ \<[^<>]* \s class=\"(\w+)\" (\>|\s[^<>]*\>) }gsx)
{ $$used{$1} = 1; }
my $head = "";
$txt =~ s{ (\<meta\b (?:\s+\w+=\"[^\"<>]*\")+ \s*/?>)\s? }
{ $head .= $1."\n"; "" }gsex;
my $pre = "";
$head =~ s{ \<meta\b \s+name=\"[Ss]ubject\"
\s+content=\"([^\"<>]*)\" \s*/?>\s? }
{ $pre = "<title>".$1."</title>\n"; $& }gsex;
$head =~ s{ \<meta\b \s+name=\"[Tt]itle\"
\s+content=\"([^\"<>]*)\" \s*/?>\s? }
{ $pre = "<title>".$1."</title>\n"; "" }gsex;
$head = $pre.$head;
if (length $css) {
my $date = `date`; chomp($date);
my $usedcss = xm::css::sheet::assheetuse($css,$used);
$head .= "<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"".$main::package
."\" date=\"".$date."\" />\n";
$head .= "<style>\n".$usedcss."\n</style>\n"
if length $usedcss;
if (open F, ">$F")
print F "<html><head>\n",$head;
print F "</head><body>\n";
print F "<pre>" if defined $o{pre};
print F $txt;
print F "</pre>" if defined $o{pre};
print F "\n</body></html>";
return xm::o::args_files(@_,DESC); }
return DO(xm::o::args_files(@_,DESC)); }