X M - T o o l
index The X M - T o o l

The xm-tool project is a collection of small perl-based script snippets that are implemented to handle xml'ish files. They do not only transform xml'ish files from one xm form to the other, - there are also a few scripts to scan C text that can create some xml'ish intermediate form from it, there are some snippets to transform these xml'ish data sources, and after all here are a few scripts to spit out this xml'ish data as html or even docbook. - It has the advantage to be just snippets that can be combined into a higher-complex perl-scripts or just into a standard shell pipeline that gets a text from another xml generator and feeds its output to an xml consumer. And you can use your favourite text processor - perl.

Some may ask what's wrong with other xml tools - the answer is that they transform xml data as input with enough markups already done in there. The xm-tool is used to take any kind of input and add xml tags with the help of perl regex calls on the text. The simplification of the xml-tag rules allow one to distinguish the parts that are still plain text and those that belong already to a markup. There are however other perl snippets here that transform the resulting xm-files for the reason to build a complete text-transformation chain to handle your documents - and only one extra interpreter is needed to do it - perl.



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See the projects summary page .

You can send e-mail directly to the author or via the mailing-list at the sourceforge project

Download Releases from the Files-List
and see the installed documentation (/usr/doc/xm-tool)


Source Code

Since version 3.32 the project has incorporated source code from Peter Palfreder's code2html project to be able to add markup to a large number of source code file types. As an example for the results you can now look at the source code of xm-tool itself:

XM Source Code 0.3.33


Generation of css-styled html4 text - (the very first of proper documents)
How To develop and extend xm-tool - (yep, we are still in the early stage of this project)
Regex for XML in xm-tool - (how to use a regex machine to process xmlish documents)
Using XM::PP - (one of the more complex xm-tool extensions)
The reference documentation - (the docs that are not actually working)
The download file-list for releases
The download http area for releases
The download ftp area for snapshots
Link to pfe project - (where it is currently in use)


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The complete License should come with the distribution archive (COPYING.LIB) or look for the latest version at the FSF website. The HTML-version of the LGPL-License can also be obtained from OpenSource.org

As with all free software, there are no warranties for use cases that the copyright holders have not given an explicit liability. The distributor of the program should give you more information about support options to pay for.

The program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

(P) 2001-02-01 X M - T o o l guidod@pc3